Helpful Tips for Before and After CoolSculpting You Need to Know

Helpful Tips for Before and After CoolSculpting You Need to Know

If you’re looking to get rid of some unwanted fat, then you’re probably considering Coolsculpting as a resolution for your issue.

Coolsculpting has been around for 10 years with over 8 million treatments done worldwide. It is safe, non-invasive and there is little to no downtime, which makes it a great non-surgical option for people who are considering liposuction. In fact, after your Coolsculpting treatment, you can go about your day as you normally would without any reservations.

Still, you might want a few tips for before, during, and after Coolscupting. Here are several tips that you should check out and consider before going through this process for the first time.

1. Bring Something to Do

The process can take up to two hours to complete, depending on which trusted aesthetics company you use.

That’s relatively short considering the drastic changes that it’s going to give you and your figure.

We provide you lunch and have various channels for you to browse during your treatment- including Netflix- but feel free to bring your laptop to get some work done while we freeze your fat.

2. Make Sure That You’re a Good Fit

There’s a common misconception that Coolsculpting is a weight loss resolution… it’s not.

Coolsculpting is exactly as its name would imply: it’s used to shape your body. It is a way of freezing off those pesky fat cells in your problem areas that diet and exercise can’t seem to shake.

For that reason, you’ll want to make sure that Coolsculpting will give you the results that you seek.

Reach out to a Coolscupting provider to schedule a complimentary consultation appointment to see if you’re a good candidate. There are two types of fat, subcutaneous fat – the soft pinchable fat – and visceral fat- the fat around your organs. Coolsculpting was created to treat subcutaneous fat, so if you can squeeze it, we can freeze it.

3. Prepare Yourself for the Cold

If you’ve ever been in an ice water bath from your high school or college athletics, then you know all too well about the weird sensation it can bring you.

Coolsculpting is no different. There’s an initial shock that comes with having the cooling panel placed on your skin. That sensation will subside after 4 to 5 minutes when your skin goes numb in the area being treated. After that, you don’t feel a thing, until the end of the treatment.

4. Ask About the Number of Treatments

No two body types are created equal. Even if you’re fit, your body has tendencies to store fat in certain places due to factors like genetics (thanks a lot, mom and dad!).

For that reason, it’s important to manage your expectations on how many treatments you will need and when you can expect to see results. You will get an average of 25% reduction in the area treated, so you may need more than 1 treatment to get the results you want.

The only way to do that is by asking your Coolsculpting experts what you can and should expect.

No matter how few or how many treatments you’ll need, each patient will be put on a treatment plan. Be sure to ask what yours looks like so that you can gain more confidence in the treatment itself.

5. Ready Yourself for the Massage

Contrary to popular belief, the Coolsculpting treatment doesn’t only consist of spending some time under a cooling panel.

After the procedure is done, the area treated will be massaged to target the fat areas a bit further.

It’s can be a bit uncomfortable but lasts 2 minutes and is where 68% of the fat reduction occurs. During the treatment, crystals form in your frozen fat cells, and the manual manipulation from the massage is what ultimately kills those fat cells. It can feel a bit uncomfortable after having that part of your body go completely numb, but be assured that it’s very necessary!

6. Don’t Be Alarmed of Soreness Afterwards

While it is certainly rare, some Coolsculpting patients experience a fair bit of soreness after the treatment is performed.

You most likely wont be sore immediately afterwards, but you will most likely be sore a day or two after the procedure.

It is wise to avoid anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen as you want the inflammatory process to do its job and kill the fat cells and excrete them naturally.

7. Stay Patient

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will your perfect body.

Be sure to stick to the plan and trust that Coolsculpting will help you achieve your goal figure at the end of the treatment. Your final results will be 4 months after your treatment. Your body purges the fat cells over a 3-4 month period, so stay patient. Your bikini body is only a few months away.

More importantly, stick with a proper diet and workout routine while you’re in the treatment process. Don’t just assume the Coolsculpting routine will help you keep off unwanted fat because it won’t.

Be Prepared Before, During, and After Coolsculpting Treatments

Now that you have some tips to help you prepare before and after Coolsculpting treatments, it’s time to schedule your appointment.

Remember, the Coolsculpting treatment is minimally invasive and won’t affect your lifestyle- so you can go back to your normal life right after your treatment.

Get the figure you’ve always wanted today

Our expert team can guide you in the right direction and answer any other questions you may have.

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