
Dermal Fillers
Dermal Fillers
As we age, our skin inevitably loses its youthful appearance as the production of natural volumizers and hyaluronic acid diminish, leaving lines and wrinkles where our skin once was youthful.
Today the signs and symptoms of the natural aging process can be reduced by replacing lost volume using Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Fillers like Restylane and Biostimulatory Dermal Fillers like Sculptra.

Wrinkle Relaxers
Wrinkle Relaxers
Wrinkle relaxers are purified proteins of botulinum toxin. They are used to relax muscles that cause wrinkles in the skin’s surface.
The most common areas treated with muscle relaxers are the forehead, glabella (between the eyebrows) and crows feet. Other areas that are treated using wrinkle relaxers are the chin, masseter muscles which helps to create a more feminine jawline, bruxism (clenching) and the neck to treat banding and laxity of skin.
Wrinkle relaxers also can lift eyebrows to give you a more refreshed look to your eyes.

If you’re interested in a nonsurgical way to reduce submental fullness, also known as double chin, KYBELLA® may be right for you.
KYBELLA® is a first-of-its-kind injectable treatment for adults with submental fullness that destroys fat cells under the chin to improve your profile.